C. Nation, V. Notararigo, H.O. Gestsson, L. Sapienza, A. Olaya-Castro, Two-colour photon correlations probe coherent vibronic contributions to electronic excitation transport under incoherent illumination, arXiv:2403.00857 (2024).
E. Perez, C. Haws, M. Davanco, J.D. Song, L. Sapienza, K. Srinivasan, Direct-laser-written polymer nanowire waveguides for broadband single photon collection from epitaxial quantum dots into a Gaussian-like mode, Advanced Quantum Technologies 2300149 (2023). Back cover story.
C. Haws, B. Guha, E. Perez, M. Davanco, J.D. Song, K. Srinivasan, L. Sapienza, Thermal release tape-assisted semiconductor membrane transfer process for hybrid photonic devices embedding quantum emitters, Materials for Quantum Technology 2, 025003 (2022).
C. Haws, E. Perez, M. Davanco, J.D. Song, K. Srinivasan, L. Sapienza, Broadband, efficient extraction of quantum light by a photonic device comprised of a metallic nano-ring and a gold back reflector, Applied Physics Letters 120, 081103 (2022). Selected as “Editor’s pick”.
O.J. Trojak, S. Gorsky, C. Murray, F. Sgrignuoli, F.A. Pinheiro, L. Dal Negro, L. Sapienza, Cavity-enhanced light–matter interaction in Vogel-spiral devices as a platform for quantum photonics, Applied Physics Letters 118, 011103 (2021).
Selected as “Editor’s pick”. Part of the APL Special Collection on Non-Classical Light Emitters and Single-Photon Detectors.
O.J. Trojak, S. Gorsky, F. Sgrignuoli, F.A. Pinheiro, S.-I. Park, J.D. Song, L. Dal Negro, L. Sapienza, Cavity quantum electro-dynamics with solid-state emitters in aperiodic nano-photonic spiral devices, Applied Physics Letters 117, 124006 (2020).
O.J. Trojak, C. Woodhead, S.I. Park, J.D. Song, R.J. Young, L. Sapienza, Combined metallic nano-rings and solid-immersion lenses for bright emission from single InAs/GaAs quantum dots, Applied Physics Letters 112, 221102 (2018).
S.I. Park, O.J. Trojak, E. Lee, J.D. Song, J. Kyhm, I. Han, J. Kim, G.-C. Yi, L. Sapienza, GaAs droplet quantum dots with nanometer-thin capping layer for plasmonic applications, Nanotechnology 29, 205602 (2018).
O.J. Trojak, T. Crane, L. Sapienza, Optical sensing with Anderson-localised light, Applied Physics Letters 111, 141103 (2017). Selected as “Editor’s pick”.
T. Crane, O.J. Trojak, J.P. Vasco, S. Hughes, L. Sapienza, Anderson localisation of visible light on a nanophotonic chip, ACS Photonics 4, 2274 (2017).
O.J. Trojak, S.I. Park, J.D. Song, L. Sapienza, Metallic nanorings for broadband, enhanced extraction of light from solid-state emitters, Applied Physics Letters 111, 021109 (2017).
J. Liu, M. Davanco, L. Sapienza, K. Konthasinghe, J.V. De Miranda Cardoso, J.D. Song, A. Badolato, K. Srinivasan, Cryogenic photoluminescence imaging system for nanoscale positioning of single quantum emitters, Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 023116 (2017).
L. Sapienza, et al., Combined atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence imaging to select single InAs/GaAs quantum dots for quantum photonic devices, Scientific Reports 7, 6205 (2017).
M. Davanco, J. Liu, L. Sapienza, C.-Z. Zhang, J.V. De Miranda Cardoso, V. Verma, R. Mirin, S. W. Nam, L. Liu, K. Srinivasan, Heterogeneous integration for on-chip quantum photonic circuits with single quantum dot devices, Nature Communications 8, 889 (2017).
L. Sapienza et al., Magneto-optical spectroscopy of single charge-tunable InAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting at telecom wavelengths, Physical Review B 93, 155301 (2016).
L. Sapienza, M. Davanco, A. Badolato, K. Srinivasan, Nanoscale optical positioning of single quantum dots for bright and pure single-photon emission, Nature Communications 6, 7833 (2015).
I. Agha, S. Ates, L. Sapienza, K. Srinivasan, Spectral broadening and shaping of nanosecond pulses: toward shaping of single photons from quantum emitters, Optics Letters 39, 5677 (2014).
A. Javadi, S. Maibom, L. Sapienza, H. Thyrrestrup, P.D. García, P. Lodahl, Statistical measurements of quantum emitters coupled to Anderson-localized modes in disordered photonic-crystal waveguides, Optics Express 22, 30992 (2014).
L. Sapienza et al., Exciton fine-structure splitting of telecom wavelength single quantum dots: statistics and external strain tuning, Physical Review B 88, 155330 (2013).
H. Thyrrestrup, S. Smolka, L. Sapienza, P. Lodahl, Statistical theory of a quantum emitter strongly coupled to Anderson-localized modes, Physical Review Letters 108, 113901 (2012).
S. Ates, L. Sapienza, M. Davanco, A. Badolato, K. Srinivasan, Bright single photon emission from a quantum dot in a circular Bragg grating microcavity, IEEE, Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics 18, 1711 (2012).
S. Smolka, H. Thyrrestrup, L. Sapienza, T.B. Lehmann, K.R. Rix, L.S. Froufe-Perez, P.D. Garcia, P. Lodahl, Probing statistical properties of Anderson localization with quantum emitters, New Journal of Physics 13, 063044 (2011).
H. Thyrrestrup, L. Sapienza, P. Lodahl, Extraction of the beta-factor for single quantum dots coupled to a photonic crystal waveguide, Applied Physics Letters 96, 231106 (2010).
L. Sapienza et al., Cavity quantum electrodynamics with Anderson-localized modes, Science 327, 1352 (2010).
P. Jouy, A. Vasanelli, Y. Todorov, L. Sapienza, R. Colombelli, U. Gennser, C. Sirtori, Intersubband electroluminescent devices operating in the strong-coupling regime, Physical Review B 82, 045322 (2010).
L. Sapienza and D. Zerulla, Surface plasmon excitation on magneto-active materials, Physical Review B 79, 033407 (2009).
L. Sapienza et al., Electrically injected cavity polaritons, Physical Review Letters 100, 136806 (2008).
Y. Todorov, P. Jouy, A. Vasanelli, L. Sapienza, R. Colombelli, U. Gennser, C. Sirtori, Stark-tunable electroluminescence from cavity polariton states, Applied Physics Letters 93, 171105 (2008).
L. Sapienza et al., Photovoltaic probe of cavity polaritons in a quantum cascade structure, Applied Physics Letters 90, 201101 (2007) – cover story.
P. Koskinen, L. Sapienza, M. Manninen, Tight-binding model for spontaneous magnetism of quantum dot lattices, Physica Scripta 68, 74 (2003).